Yes, we have done events all over Delaware, we have also travelled to NJ, VA, PA, etc.

We have a store, 3 East Main Street, Middletown, DE, 19709.

Yes, we offer delivery based on our availability, the cost of delivery is dependent on what is ordered and how far its being delivered, we also offer installation and teardown.
Yes, we have a variety of design options for pick up orders, our most popular are our pick up garlands, bouquets and bubbles.

For deliveries and installations we recommend the sooner the better, that way we can ensure the date and time are available and reserved for you, as well as the rentals.
For pick up we recommend at least 1.5 weeks, so that we may order anything that is needed.

Same day, last minute orders we are sometimes able to accommodate, these are based on our availability and what we have in stock.

Yes we do offer helium balloons, however since there is a helium shortage we have a limited quality, we do NOT sale balloons for letting go.
They are balloons so anything can happen, balloons outdoors especially in the open space without a tent or shade tend to not last as long, because the balloons begin the oxidation process, we recommend that the set ups are done indoors as they tend longer, helium balloons tend to last about 6-12 hours, millers last a few days.
Yes, we require a 50% nonrefundable to finalize your order and hold your deposit and rentals, the remaining balance is due one week before your event, all bubbles, helium bouquets and bouquets must be paid in full at the time of placing your order.

All sales are final, no refunds or exchanges.

A few reasons why:
We order the materials for your event as soon as your order is placed.
We can not longer rent the rentals for that day as they are reserved for you.
We can no longer take events for that time as it is now reserved for your event.